Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's raining

It's raining. My knee is a little stiff. So this morning we ventured out to return an item I purchased from my local Running Room. Last week I picked up a running belt that had a side holster for a water bottle. Trouble is that no matter how tighty I cinched the belt, the darned thing started to slide down. I didn't even get out of the house with it on before it had made it's way over my backside and was falling to the floor.  This is more a function of the shape of my body than a faulty product design; while I'm gradually shedding last winter's hibernation fat, what remains creates a condition in which some over the shoulder suspender-type remedy would be necessary to make a go of it. (I would hasten to add that my wife contends I have no backside to speak of, that I have only legs and a back and though it pains me to admit it, the evidence supports her analysis in this instance.)  Running Room refunded my money, no questions asked and I left them with a cheerful comment about returning soon for some other gear.

Don't tell anyone, but I think that gear may take the shape of new shorts and shirts a la Richard Simmons. I have nothing against his always-way-too-happy demeanor, but I have long criticized Mr. Simmons, as much for his wardrobe choices as for his general lack of body tone. I figured after so many thousand hours of sweatin' it to the oldies the man would have developed a leaner look. But I digress. I'm willing to be charitable, if just this once, concerning Richard Simmons' body shape given the shape of my own body and its impact on the running belt as disclosed above. But I could never get past his tank top and running shorts. I thought, sure, they're light, cool, comfortable, breathable, and easy to move in, but they look a little goofy -- and then it hit me : they're light, cool, comfortable, breathable, and easy to move in and who cares if I look a little goofy!

Maybe the rain will let up and my knee pain will dissipate through the day so I"ll have one more long run in my short sleeve running-T and longer shorts. And unless Mr. Simmons succumbs to a sudden case of alopecia and loses his curly locks, that's where the similarities will end.

More later -- gotta run.

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